Thursday, June 28, 2012

Collapse Now Has an Artist!

I'm proud to announce that there is a new addition to the Collapse development team! I was hanging out with my friend yesterday, and was telling him about the game. I knew he was a pretty good artist, and he showed interest in helping me out, so now he is a part of the team.
He spent all of yesterday and today working on artwork, and Collapse will soon feature a re-designed player sprite and 3 different types of enemies.

Collapse was originally intended to be a fairly simple game with only a few game mechanics, few assets, and few features. A one-man development team, especially one that hates creating artwork, can only go so far! But now, a dedicated artist allows me to expand the game exponentially greater than what I had originally planned. I'm hoping to turn this into a fairly large project now, with many levels and a more intriguing story line, as well as expanding on the game mechanics. Future updates may include climbing out of the tank to advance on foot, and hijacking Mech vehicles.

Here's some of the new artwork, with much more too come: 
Helicopter enemy

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