Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Panda Emerges

Why Start A Blog?

I asked myself this question many, many times before actually beginning. I originally thought it would be extremely time consuming and boring to maintain a dev-blog, but as the change-logs to my games got longer and longer, I felt that starting a blog would make my life easier. This thing should keep me pretty motivated to brainstorm my ideas, release previews, share screenshots, and express my thoughts. Generally, this blog is going to be full of stuff like code, algorithms, and brainstorming ideas about problems I'm having. I plan on posting something at least once a week, but don't be surprised if I post more often.

My Background

After that, I decided that it was time to leave the turtle of SDL rendering behind and make the jump to 3D. After about a week of experimentation with OpenGL, I realized the amount of math I would need to know for even the simplest game was just too much. Plus, I have absolutely no idea how to use modeling programs, and have no desire to learn. So I retreated back to 2D, except using a mix of OpenGL and SDL. SDL for window and event handling, and OpenGL for rendering. So, with many new-found features at my disposal, I began developing my first full-fledged game: Collapse.
I only got into game-dev fairly recently, maybe a year or so ago. I started out experimenting with Python+PyGame, making simple Snake and Tic-Tac-Toe clones. I felt the curly-brackets calling back to me, so I made the switch to C++ and SDL. The last game I made in purely SDL, ShapeWars, was already pushing the limits of SDL when large quantities of bullets and enemies swarmed. I had to keep all of the game artwork fixed, rotation was simply too slow and not an options.

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